Saturday, September 5, 2009

Yours? In The Garbage Can. Really!

To make a long story short, last Thursday we were having our MAT480 first test. Definitely is my favourite subject for this semester. So this is the best effort I have given in the list of subjects that I've already taken. With tears and sweats (he3), me and my friends are studying very hard to get a very deep understanding on this subject.

Okay, so here we were at the Mechanical Engineering Faculty examination hall. Since Civil Engineering Faculty examination hall was full, so we got to borrow that space. Calmly we solve those three questions, clearly for me I'm been able to answer it but the marks, only Allah knows best. Important thing for us is to strive for the best.

The time is up, so we have to pass up the paper to our lecturer with she counting down from 20 to 1 with high pace of counting. She ordered the last student at the back to collect one by one and pass to her in front. Unfortunately, there was my friend still struggling to answer and it seems that he will took some time to finish it.

I've got to made a decision here, so I rushed forward to submit it by myself without waiting for him. After a bit business at the front, I went back to my desk to clean up my stuff and I was surprised that my friend still finishing his answers even though the time is already too late. My other friend just told him "Enough already". I don't even know what to say but I hope that he knows this is one of our strict lecturer. She will not tolerate with inconcrete reasons.

After a while, he managed to finished his answer with some other of my friend over there. Finish stapling their papers, and I look to the front.......... Our lecturer has already gone. Wow, this is so intense. I've told my friend there, "Hey, she's gone now". In a split of second, he ran towards the exit and I followed for a while. There are so many people at the alley and just like in the commercial or movies somewhere, my friend there run through those peoples.

At the end of the alley, I saw him raise his hand like gaining a victory in the battlefield and also the situation become clear. I knew that was a situation over there and I kept my mouth shut until we reached to our home. Later in living room at our house, I've asked him "What happened over there when you submit your answers?". "Hmm, she initially refused to accept but I persuade her. I've told here that my stapler was broken. She just kept quiet and I put my paper at the bulk on her hand. That's it." my friend told me his story.

On the next day, Friday evening we were having another MAT480 class. After we settle down on our own seats, and after our lecturer starts talking she came near to my friend's seat. The second sentence I've heard from my lecturer's mouth on that evening was "Your answers sheets is in the garbage can at the end of the alley" with she nodding her head. Directly I look to her face and again she nodding at me at this time. I was shocked. But with usual routine, she still teach us with laughing style but what she told us earlier remain mystery. My friend's face already change without any mood to go through that class. That second sentence from her is remain mystery whether it is true or she just joking.

Morale of the story, don't play with your risk. Even though life is about taking risk but weight first those risk to be taken. Other thing is to obey your lecturers' orders especially in examination hall. If he or she doesn't want to accept our answers, so what was that for?

- Master Yoda -

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